Looking for Creative Activities for Young People?
Explore our exciting projects below!
Get in touch via the contacts tab if you would like to employ our creative services.
Calling all creators aged 13-25. Join us for these free workshops to transform your creative ideas into a short animated film using Procreate Dreams.
Click on the posters to find out more.
Geometric Mutations
by Exploring Senses
Calling All Neuro-Diverse Creators Aged 10-14!
Join our weekly workshop to transform your creative ideas into digital drawings using a 3D Pen or Procreate. This session is offered in partnership with BYC and mASCot. Neuro-typical siblings and parents are welcome too! (See the poster above for more details.)
If you're aged 11-16 and attend Brighton Aldridge Community Academy (BACA), you can join us weekly during term time for a free after-school club. (See the poster below for more details.)