Behind the Mask
by Exploring Senses
Behind the Mask - Brighton: Youth Mental Health Projection"
"Behind the Mask - Brighton" was a significant art project commissioned by Third Thursdays Brighton, aimed at addressing the mental health challenges faced by young people. This initiative highlighted the collaborative efforts between Exploring Senses artists, young creators, and professional digital artists. Through a combination of artwork, music, and powerful lyrics, the project provided a youth-driven perspective on mental health, culminating in the creation of a short film that was publicly projected in Brighton.
Project Overview
The project involved a diverse group of young artists who collaborated with Exploring Senses to contribute artwork, music, and lyrical content. These elements were meticulously compiled and produced into a short film by digital artist Nathan Clear. The film, "Behind the Mask," offered a raw and authentic exploration of mental health issues from the perspective of young people. The film's public projection took place on the side of TK Maxx in Brighton during the Third Thursdays Brighton event on April 21, 2022.
Collaborators and Contributions
Exploring Senses Artists: The artists from Exploring Senses worked closely with young people to develop the visual and artistic elements of the project. Their guidance and expertise helped the young creators express their thoughts and feelings about mental health through various art forms.
AudioActive’s ‘Room to Rant’ Program: The project prominently featured a soundtrack by Lil SxS, along with recorded rhymes from young MCs involved in AudioActive's "Room to Rant" program. This collaboration highlighted voices such as GreySkyLines, Pain, Shane, RainyDays, Dead K, MacPerrynaise, and Nicolson. The sound production was expertly coordinated by Sam Halligan and Jon Clark from AudioActive, ensuring the musical elements were both authentic and impactful.
Nathan Clear: The digital artist responsible for compiling the film, Nathan Clear, played a crucial role in blending the various artistic contributions into a cohesive and powerful narrative. His work ensured that the final film resonated with both the youth involved and the wider community.
Support and Partnerships
The project was part of a larger initiative supported by several organizations committed to fostering community and cultural recovery. Key supporters included:
ABCD Cultural Recovery Plan
Brilliant Brighton Business Improvement District
Arts Council England
Brighton & Hove City Council
The Pebble Trust
Welcome Back Fund
The project was curated and produced by videoclub, showcasing the strength of community partnerships in addressing critical issues like youth mental health.
"Behind the Mask - Brighton" demonstrated the transformative power of art in addressing mental health issues among young people. By providing a platform for young voices, the project not only raised awareness but also fostered a sense of connection and understanding within the Brighton community. The collaboration between Exploring Senses, AudioActive, and the young artists involved exemplified how creative expression can be a powerful tool in navigating and communicating complex emotional experiences.